Requirements to apply for a verified badge on Scriblo

Requirements to apply for a verified badge on Scriblo


We appreciate your interest in becoming a verified user on our platform. Verification is a mark of authenticity and trustworthiness, enhancing your profile's credibility and distinguishing you as a respected member of our community. To ensure the integrity of our verification process, please review and meet the following requirements:

1. Authenticity:

2. Profile Completeness:

3. Activity:

4. Relevance:

5. Content Contribution:

6. Minimum of 50 Followers:

Application Process:

Human Review:

Privacy and Security:

Appeal Process:

Ongoing Monitoring:


Verification Badge:

By adhering to these requirements, you'll not only enhance your profile's credibility but also contribute positively to our vibrant community. Thank you for choosing Scriblo and we look forward to welcoming you as a verified member of our platform. Start your journey to verification by clicking the button below and completing the application process. 

Apply For A Verification Badge 


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